How a Green Thumb Can Build a Hearty Network

Here is an analogy I share with my networking groups: Building your network is like planting a garden. In order to get big, beautiful flowers or delicious produce from your garden, you must not only plant seeds (in the earth … Continue Reading

What Good Parenting Can Teach You About Managing a Virtual Workforce

Last week, I met 3 HR friends at a local diner. We caught up on work and life. As our conversation unfolded, it became clear that there were some striking similarities between our personal and professional situations. “Sheila” was dealing … Continue Reading

Isn’t it Ironic: Business Through the Eyes of Ted

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the buzz about the box office sensation, Ted. It’s the story of John, who makes a childhood wish for his teddy bear to come to life. The wish is magically granted … Continue Reading

Turn Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones with Speed Networking

In our previous post, Speed Networking Goes To Work, we revealed the details and benefits of speed networking and explored how in-house speed networking events help HR and Management to improve employee engagement, build teams and enhance corporate culture. Today, … Continue Reading

Coffee: 5 Reasons Your Company Should Be Pouring Some Resources into the Break Room

The other day I overheard a conversation between two guys who were talking shop. Guy #1: So how’s it going over at XYZ Wealth Management? Guy #2: Things are starting to look up! Guy #1: Really, how so? Guy #2: … Continue Reading

Be True To Yourself: In Today’s Business Environment, Could This Good Advice Be Bad For You?

I was raised to be like everyone else. I was taught, “fit in, conform, make no waves and you will do fine.” However, I had a mind of my own and did the opposite. Now, as an adult and a … Continue Reading

9-5 FITNESS TIPS: Because Exercise Can Improve Coworker Relationships

Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed by the workload, responsibility and time demands associated with your job? The other morning, I came to the realization that I was becoming a bit overwhelmed and irritable and needed an outlet for all … Continue Reading


The flowers are blooming. The sun is shining. And the birds are tweeting. Know what that means? Summer Dress Code dilemmas are once again upon us. Whether you are an HR manager or corporate decision-maker, you know how vital a … Continue Reading

What Comes First? The Cost or The Customer?

Earlier this week I had an infuriating experience. An offshore customer service rep, working for a global Fortune 500 financial services firm, contacted my vendors to verify some financial information. In call after call, he mispronounced the name of my … Continue Reading

MadMen on Management: What to do when your boss feels threatened by you

Do you watch MadMen? I’m obsessed … especially by the portrayal of office politics at the fictional ad agency of Sterling Cooper Draper Price. Have you noticed that much has changed since 1966, yet so much remains the same? Case … Continue Reading